dijous, 22 de gener del 2009



-This is a picture in the white house obama and family come to celebrate with a concert to get to become president many are famous singer to sing this event to be held in the U.S.A that already have new president. The president obama is very happy because is the president.

He is the frist black president in the U.S.A.

-They’re singing at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday afternoon, with the program starting around 2:30 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public. And if you can’t stand the cold, the concert will be broadcast that night in a special from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on HBO on an open signal (but you still have to have cable or satellite to pick it up).

The link of the news

5 comentaris:

***eVeLyN **** ha dit...

Your blog is like Agusti's example.
The summary is interesing.

lorena ha dit...

hola jo em dic tarik
tinc dos germans una germana.
m' agradat molt la teva noticia es molt interesant.
el meu pare es diu yossif i la meva mare es diu fatima.

lorena ha dit...

the new is interesting
the photo is good
the summary is interesting

Xiiion's place ha dit...

yo! sergiio ^^!!

Your blog is like Agusti's example.
well i like ur blog :O
is very rock!!!
well see'ya !!

my diary ha dit...

Hello sergio!! How are you?
your news is good, and your blog this very well, very colorful.
bye, bye !!

Beatriz. ;)